Download Lagu Not Today dari Imagine Dragons OST Flm Me Before You MP3 MP4, Beserta Lirik

- 5 Februari 2022, 08:03 WIB
Llink download lagu Not Today dari Imagine Dragons OST Flm Me Before You.
Llink download lagu Not Today dari Imagine Dragons OST Flm Me Before You. /Instagram/@imaginedragons

RINGTIMES BALI - Berikut link download lagu Not Today dari Imagine Dragons Ost Flm Me before you, MP3 MP4 beserta lirik.

Kali ini kami akan membagikan link download lagu Not Today yang dipopulerkan oleh Imagine Dragons.

Link download lagu Not Today dari Imagine Dragons ada di akhir tulisan lirik berikut ini.

Baca Juga: Download Lagu Nothing Gonna Change My Love For You dari George Benson, MP3 MP4 Beserta Lirik.

Mengunduh Not Today dari Imagine Dragons, format MP3 MP4 melalui link download lagu bisa otomatis tersimpan di galeri HP.

Lagu ini menjadi single utama soundtrack flm Me before you tahun 2016, yang menceritakan tentang hambatan atau perjuangan tentang cinta.

Buat kalian yang ingin menyimpan lagunya di handphone dan ingin mendengarkan secara offline, baca artikel ini sampai selesai.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Matematika SMP Kelas 7 Halaman 28 Nomor 1, Memahami dan Menyelesaikan Masalah Perbandingan

Dilansir dari LyricFind dibawah ini lirik lagu Not today dari Imagine Dragons.

Not today - Imagine Dragons

There she goes in front of me
Take my life and set me free again
We'll make a memory out of it
Holy road is at my back
Don't look on, take me back again
We'll make a memory out of it

We finally fall apart and we break each other's hearts
If we wanna live young, love, we better start today

Baca Juga: Download Lagu Paris In The Rain dari Lauv MP3 MP4 Kualitas Terbaik, Beserta Lirik

It's gotta get easier, oh easier somehow
'Cause I'm falling, I'm falling
Oh easier and easier somehow
Oh I'm calling, I'm calling
And it isn't over, unless it is over
I don't wanna wait for that
It's gotta get easier and easier somehow
But not today
Not today

There she goes in front of me
Take my life, set me free again
We'll make a memory out of it
Holy road was at my back
Don't look on, take me back again
We'll make a memory out of it

Baca Juga: Prakiraan Cuaca BMKG Bali 5 Februari 2022, Hujan Diikuti Mendung Sepanjang Hari

We finally fall apart and we break each other's hearts
If we wanna live young, love, we better start today

It's gotta get easier, oh easier somehow
'Cause I'm falling, I'm falling
Oh easier and easier somehow
Oh I'm calling, I'm calling
And it isn't over, unless it is over
I don't wanna wait for that
It's gotta get easier and easier

So come with me
You'll come with me, eh eh eh
So come with me
You'll come with me, eh eh eh
Not today
Not today
Not today
Not today

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It's gotta get easier and easier somehow
'Cause I'm falling, I'm falling
And easier and easier somehow
Oh I'm calling and calling
And it isn't over unless it is over
I don't wanna wait for that
It's gotta get easier and easier somehow
It's gotta get easier and easier somehow
Not today
Not today
Not today
Not today
Not today

Itulah lirik lagu Not today yang dipopulerkan oleh Imagine Dragons, sebelumnya kalian bisa mendengarkan lagunya lewat aplikasi streaming Spotify, Joox, dan Youtube.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban PAI Kelas 5 Halaman 66, Sebutkan Arti Ulul Azmi

Kalian juga bisa mendengarkan kapan saja dengan download lagunya secara gratis dibawah ini.

Link download lagu: KLIK DI SINI

Selamat mendengarkan.***

Editor: Muhammad Khusaini


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