Download Lagu Since I Found You dari Christian Bautista MP3 MP4 Beserta Lirik  

- 9 April 2022, 09:14 WIB
Link download lagu Since I Found You dari Christian Bautista MP3 MP4, kualitas terbaik beserta lirik.
Link download lagu Since I Found You dari Christian Bautista MP3 MP4, kualitas terbaik beserta lirik. /PIXABAY/firmbee

RINGTIMES BALI - Berikut adalah link download lagu Since I Found You yang dinyanyikan oleh Christian Bautista MP3 MP4, kualitas terbaik beserta lirik.

Kali ini kami membagikan link download Since I Found You yang dipopulerkan oleh Christian Bautista MP3 MP4.

Mengunduh lagu Since I Found You dari Christian Bautista, format MP3 MP4 melalui link download lagu bisa otomatis tersimpan di galeri HP.

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Meskipun terbilang lagu lama, tapi lagu ini merupakan salah satu lagu paling romantis sepanjang masa.

Liriknya menceritakan betapa hidup seseorang dapat berubah semenjak pertemuan dengan belahan jiwa, ke arah yang lebih baik tentunya.

Link download ada diakhir tulisan, dilansir dari LyricFind di bawah ini lirik lagu Since I Found You dari Christian Bautista

Since I Found You - Christian Bautista

Baca Juga: Resep Cara Membuat Sambal Mangga Muda, Cocok untuk Menu Masakan Rumahan Sehari-hari

I think of you in everything that i do
ATo be with you what ever it takes i'll do
Cause you my love, you all my heart desires
You've lighten up my life forever i'm alive

Since i found you my world seems so brand new
You've show me the love i never knew
Your presence is what my whole life through
Since i found you my life begin so new
Now who needs a dream when there is you
For all of my dreams came true
Since i found you

Your love shines bright
Through all the corners of my heart
Maybe you are my dearest heart
I give you all i have my heart, my soul, my life
My destiny is you
Forever true... i'm so in love with you

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Since i found you my world seems so brand new
You've show me the love i never knew
Your presence is what my whole life through
Since i found you my life begin so new
Now who needs a dream when there is you
For all of my dreams came true
Since i found you

My heart forever true...
In love with you..

Di bawah ini link download lagu Since I Found You dari Christian Bautista, kalian bisa mendengarkan kapan saja secara gratis, tinggal klik.


Selamat mendengarkan.***

Editor: Muhammad Khusaini


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