Soal PAS PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 Terlengkap 2022 dan Kunci Jawaban

- 1 Juni 2022, 16:01 WIB
Contoh soal PAS PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban terbaru 2022 full pembahasan sesuai kisi-kisi UKK Kurikulum 2013.
Contoh soal PAS PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 semester 2 dan kunci jawaban terbaru 2022 full pembahasan sesuai kisi-kisi UKK Kurikulum 2013. /Pexels/Ylanite Koppens

2. Dinar is happy whenever she whatches a scary film.

What is the meaning of "happy"?

a. sedih
b. senang
c. duka
d. marah

Baca Juga: Soal PAT UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 2 K13, Beserta Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan Terbaru 2022

3. My Mother is ... since I broke her favorite vase.

a. proud
b. glad
c. crazy
d. angry

4. These words are adjective (kata sifat), except ...

a. fast
b. quick
c. right
d. honesty

5. Which sentence uses adjective as post-modifier?

a. this sweet mango was bough by father
b. the little girl is my cousin
c. the sad story make me cry
d. the teacher found that one of my classmates had been pale


Editor: Suci Annisa Caroline


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