Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Halaman 23-24 Chapter 2, We Can Do It and We Will Do It.

- 20 Januari 2022, 17:18 WIB
Ilustrasi kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Halaman 23-24 Chapter 2. We Can Do It and We Will Do It.
Ilustrasi kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Halaman 23-24 Chapter 2. We Can Do It and We Will Do It. /PIXABAY/zapCulture

RINGTIMES BALI – Berikut kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs chapter 2 dengan judul We Can Do It and We Will Do It sesuai kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi tahun 2017.

Kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs chapter 2 kali ini, akan membahas soal pada halaman 23-24 tentang apa saja yang bisa dilakukan dan tidak bisa, sesuai dengan pernyataan yang ada.  

Berikut ini soal dan kunci Jawaban bahasa Inggris kelas 8 SMP MTs chapter 2 halaman 23-24, sesuai dengan buku bahasa Inggris kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi tahun 2017, dengan buku When English Rings a Bell.

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Baca dan simaklah pernyataan di bawah ini.

1. Mrs. Harum : “I’m very proud of Siti. Now she can help me with the housework before she goes to school. She can get up early herself."

2. Rani : “Yuli and Tono can make fried rice, and they can fry the egg nicely. They can also serve fried rice beautifully with tomatoes and celery.”

3. Mr. Adnan : “It is usually not easy to speak English loudly and clearly. But, I’m happy that many of you can do it well. Adi still makes mistakes, but he can read his story loudly.”

4. Denata : “Fatima always speaks softly, but when she sings, she can sing very loudly.”

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5. Mrs. Fauzia : “Birds can fly because they have wings. We don’t have wings, so we cannot fly. But we can make planes. With a plane we can fly very high and go to far places.”

6. Mr. Rendy : “We cannot swim across the sea, but with a boat or a ship, we can go to other islands.”

7. Mrs. Gracia : “The text is long and there are many new words in it. It is not easy to read. But you can work together. If you do it together, I’m sure you can understand it easily.”

8. Widi : “My nephew, Anton, is only two years old. But he is smart. He can go up the stairs himself. He can also go down easily, too.

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Dibawah ini adalah jawaban dari pernyataan yang ada di atas, dimulai dari nomor 2 sampai selesai.

1. According to Mrs. Harum :

  • Siti can help her with the housework before she goes to school.
  • She can get up early herself.

2. According to Rani :

  • Yuli can make fried rice with Tono.
  • She can fry the egg nicely.
  • She can also serve fried rice beautifully with tomatoes and celery.

3. According to Mr. Adnan :

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  • Many students can speak english loud and clear, even though it's not easy but they do it well. Adi still make mistakes, but he can read his story loudly.

4. According to Denata :

  • Fatima can always speaks softly, but when she sings, she can sing very loudly.

5. According to Mrs. Fauzia :

  • Birds can fly because they have wings.
  • We cannot fly because we don’t have wings.
  • We can make planes.
  • We can fly very high and go to far palces with a planes.

6. According to Mr. Rendy :

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  • We cannot swim across the sea.
  • We can go to other islands, with a boat or a ship.

7. According to Mrs. Gracia :

  • We can work together.
  • We can understand it easily, if do it together.

8. According to Widi :

  • Anton can go up the stairs himself, even though he is only two years old. He is smart.
  • He can also go down easily.

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Demikian pembahasan soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs chapter 2 halaman 23-24 tentang apa saja yang bisa dilakukan dan tidak bisa, sesuai dengan pernyataan yang ada.  

Disclaimer : Kunci jawaban yang disediakan dalam artikel ini hanya dapat digunakan sebagai referensi belajar, sehingga dapat memperkaya pengetahuan para siswa tentang cara menjawab soal-soal Bahasa Inggris.

Kebenaran jawaban tergantung penilaian guru atau pengajar siswa dalam pengertian, memahami pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas masing-masing.***


Editor: Muhammad Khusaini

Sumber: buku.kemdikbud.go.id


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