Latihan Soal dan Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 SMA, Cek Selengkapnya!

- 11 Maret 2023, 16:02 WIB
Ilustrasi latihan soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 12
Ilustrasi latihan soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 /Pexels/Dom. J

Discussion: Read again the woman's utterances

8.  Mr. Jim : Would you like milk or sugar in your coffee?
Mr. Jon : Neither, thank you
Mr. Jim : So, what do you want?
Mr. Jon : ....
a. Black coffee without sugar
b. Nothing to drink
c. Tea not coffee
d. Coffee not tea
e. Either milk or sugar in the coffee

Answer: a

Discussion: Read the first utterance of the man.

9.  Man        : Did you have a nice flight, ma’am?
Woman  : Yes, but a little turbulence.
Man        : Let me help you with the bag.
Woman  : Thank you. It’s very kind of you.
Man        : Do you want to take a taxi or the bus?
Woman  : A taxi will be OK with me.
Man        : But, getting a taxi at this time may be difficult.
Woman  : No problem. I’ll wait.

Where does the dialogue probably take place?
a. At the hospital.
b. At the train station.
c. At the hospital.
d. At the bus station.
e. At the supermarket.

Answer: a

Discussion: Read the first utterance of the man.

10.  Man        : Did you have a nice flight, ma’am?
Woman  : Yes, but a little turbulence.
Man        : Let me help you with the bag.
Woman  : Thank you. It’s very kind of you.
Man        : Do you want to take a taxi or the bus?
Woman  : A taxi will be OK with me.
Man        : But, getting a taxi at this time may be difficult.
Woman  : No problem. I’ll wait.


Editor: Jero Kadek Wahyu Baratha

Sumber: Bank Soal Kemdikbud


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