Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 34-35 Task 2, Captions: Can You Mention Some Atitude Problems Lengkap 2022

- 25 Juli 2022, 17:00 WIB
Ilustrasi pembahasan Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 34-35. Task 2 – Captions: Can You Mention Some Atitude Problems lengkap 2022.
Ilustrasi pembahasan Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 34-35. Task 2 – Captions: Can You Mention Some Atitude Problems lengkap 2022. /Pixabay/ Khamkhor

RINGTIMES BALI – Hallo adik adik semua, kita akan bahas tentang pembahasan Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 34-35. Task 2 – Captions: Can You Mention Some Atitude Problems, lengkap 2022.

Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 34-35. Task 2 – Captions: Can You Mention Some Atitude Problems , lengkap 2022.

Mengacu pada kurikulum 2013 Kemdikbud, inilah pembahasan Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 34-35. Task 2 – Captions: Can You Mention Some Atitude Problems , lengkap 2022, selengkapnya dengan pemateri Shofia Munawaroh, S. Pd, Alumni Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, IAIDA, 25 Juli 2022:

Baca Juga: Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 35. Task 3, What Are Captions, Lengkap 2022

Task 2: Observe these pictures and photos. What are these pictures and photos trying to say? Answer the questions to help you understand them better.


1.) -Can you mention some attitude problems?

Answer: Attitude problems are lazy, selfish, and arrogant.

-What kind of personality is difficult to handle?

Answer: The personality which is difficult to handle is a person who arrogant and selfish.

-What kind of caption is it?

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Answer: The caption tell someone that we don't have an attitude problem but they can't handle our personality.

2.) -Make some quotes about nature!

Answer: Nature are the greatest creature of God, look deep and you will understand why God create it.

-Explain your quotes to your friends!

Answer: Nature are the greatest creature of God, look deep and you will understand why God create it.

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It means that we should see nature as the beautiful creature from God, because we always need it.

3.) -What does friendship mean to you ?

Answer: Friendship means everything for me. Friends always there when the ups and downs come.

-Write a sentence or phrase under the word "friendship" in the caption!

Answer: Be there when you happy or sad. That’s what friendship is.

-What do you think about the quote in this caption?

Answer: The quote on picture 6 tells about a friendship between two cat that always loyal as pets.

4.) -What do you think about the picture? is the man happy?

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Answer: Yes. He seems to be happy.

-What does this man symbolize?

Answer: This man symbolize a cleverness and imagination.

-Write your own caption inside this photo!

Answer: The great gift from God is our imaginations besides knowledge.

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Pembahasan soal ini hanyalah sebagai referensi belajar siswa. Kebenaran jawaban tergantung penilaian pengajar. Selamat belajar.***

Editor: Muhammad Khusaini


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