Bahasa Inggris Kelas 12 Halaman 6-7, Question Dialog Offering Help/Services Chapter 1

- 24 Juli 2022, 21:30 WIB
Pembahasan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA SMK halaman 6, 7 Question Dialog 1-4 Offering Help Chapter 1.
Pembahasan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA SMK halaman 6, 7 Question Dialog 1-4 Offering Help Chapter 1. /Tangkapan Layar BSE Kemdikbud Kurikulum 2013

RINGTIMES BALI - Artikel pembahasan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA SMK halaman 6-7 Question Dialog Offering Help. Simak di sini ya.

Penyajian pembahasan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 halaman 6-7 khusus membahas Task 1: Observe the Dialogs secara rinci.

Secara lengkap, pembahasan ini digunakan untuk soal materi Chapter 1 May I Help You mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 SMA SMK.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Matematika Kelas 9 Halaman 54 Notasi Ilmiah Bentuk Baku dengan Pembahasan Lengkap

Diharapkan pembahasan soal pada artikel ini dapat digunakan sebagai bahan evaluasi dan berguna untuk membantu proses pemahaman materi.

Inilah pembahasan soal kelas 12 dengan dipandu oleh alumni Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris IAIDA, Shofia Munawaroh, S.Pd, serta dilansir dari Buku Sekolah Elektronik Kemdikbud Kurikulum 2013 Edisi 2017.

Dialog: Offering Help/Services

Dialog 1: dr. Nahda and Fafa
Dialog 2: Tania and Stranger
Dialog 3: Dhea and Riza
Dialog 4: Hamada and Diana


1. Where do you think each conversation takes place?
Dialog 1:
Alternative Answer: in the health center or hospital

Dialog 2:
Alternative Answer: in the ticket counter

Dialog 3:
Alternative Answer: school or campus

Dialog 4:
Alternative Answer: in the schoolyard

Baca Juga: Pembahasan PKN Kelas 11 Halaman 19, Tugas Mandiri 1.3 Faktor Internal dan Eksternal Penyebab Pelanggaran HAM

2. What are the relationships between the speakers?
Dialog 1:
Alternative Answer: Patient and doctor

Dialog 2:
Alternative Answer: passenger and ticket seller

Dialog 3:
Alternative Answer: classmates

Dialog 4:
Alternative Answer: classmates or friends

3. What are the functions of the underlined words?
Alternative Answer: the functions of the underlined words is to accept and decline offers.

4. What are the functions of the italicized words?
Alternative Answer: the functions of the italicized words is to offer helps or services.

5. In Dialog 1, what does dr. Nahda say to help Fafa? What will dr. Nahda do to help Fafa?
Alternative Answer:

- dr. Nahda says, "What can I do for you?"
- dr. Nahda will give Fafa a prescription to help her.

Baca Juga: Pembahasan PKN Kelas 11 Halaman 15, Tugas Kelompok 1.2 Tabel Lingkungan dan Contoh Perilaku

6. Look at Dialog 2. What does Tania offer to the stranger? Does the stranger accept Tania’s offer? What does he say?
Alternative Answer:

- Tania says "May I help you? where's your destination?
- yes, the stranger does.
- he says "yes"

7. Who is offering a help in Dialog 3? What does she say? Is the
offer accepted?
Alternative Answer:

- Dhea offers help to Riza by saying "Would you need my help?"
- no, is not. Riza declines the offer.

8. In Dialog 4, what does Diana say to offer a help? Does Hamada
accept or refuse the help? What does she say?
Alternative Answer:

- Diana says "What if I help you with the preparation?"
- No, she doesn't.
- Hamada refuses the offer by saying "Oh, it's very nice of you. But I'm goung to do it with my sister. Thanks for the offer."

Baca Juga: Pembahasan PKN Kelas 12 Halaman 26, Tugas Mandiri 1.4 Kasus Pelanggaran Hak dan Kewajiban Warga Negara

9. Write the patterns of offering help/services.
Alternative Answer:

- Would you like me to help you?
- How can I help you?
- May I help you?
- What can I do for you?
- What if I help you with ....?
- Would you need my help?

10. Write possible responses for offering help/services.
Alternative Answer:

- Yes, please.
- Yes, that will be helpful.
- No, I'm okay. Thanks for the offers.

Cukup sekian pembahasan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 12 Halaman 6-7 Question Dialog Offering Help. Semangat belajar semuanya.

Disclaimer: Artikel ini tidak mutlak menjamin kebenaran jawaban, bersifat terbuka, dan disajikan dengan tujuan untuk membantu para orang tua dalam membimbing anak selama belajar.***

Editor: Rian Ade Maulana


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