Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Sesuai Kisi-kisi Semester 2 Terbaru 2022 Disertai Pembahasan Lengkap

- 17 Juni 2022, 16:30 WIB
Ilustrasi contoh soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA MA SMK sesuai kisi-kisi semester 2 terbaru 2022 disertai dengan pembahasan lengkap.
Ilustrasi contoh soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 SMA MA SMK sesuai kisi-kisi semester 2 terbaru 2022 disertai dengan pembahasan lengkap. /pexels-pixabay/

Refrigerators are very popular household gadgets. Now, almost all households have refrigerators.

A regular refrigerator is placed in the kitchen because it is generally used for food storage.

Refrigerator have become one of the needs that must be owned by every modern society.

Refrigerator can serve to keep the food to stay durable and not rot.

If you do not have a refrigerator, then of course we will be difficult to keep food ingredients to stay durable within a few days.

For this reason, the refrigerator is important for every family all over the world.

3. Which sentence belongs to general classification?

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban PKN, Halaman 147, Uji Kompetensi 6, Tentang Mengisi Kemerdekaan

a. If you do not have a refrigerator, then of course we will be difficult to keep food ingredients to stay durable within a few days.

b. Refrigerator is an electrical household appliance that uses refrigeration to help with food preservation.

c. Refrigerators have become one of the needs that must be owned by every modern society.

d. Refrigerator can serve to keep the food to stay durable and do not rot.

e. The refrigerator is important for every family all over the world.

Jawaban : b

Pembahasan : Kalimat yang berisi penjelasan atau klasifikasi secara umum yakni pilihan jawaban b.

"Refrigerator is an electrical household appliance that uses refrigeration to help with food preservation."

4. If you buy a regular refrigerator, where will you place it?

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Halaman 34 35 Tugas 1, Kata Nomina dan Frasa Nomina

a. in the dinning room

b. in the living room

c. in the bed room

d. in the kitchen

e. on the porch

Jawaban : d

Pembahasan : Refrigerator = kulkas/lemari es, benda tersebut biasanya ditempatkan di dapur. Kitchen = dapur.

5. Why must modern society own refrigerator?

a. Refrigerator is an electrical household appliance that uses refrigeration.

b. Refrigerator can serve to keep the food to stay durable and not rot.

Baca Juga: Soal UAS IPS Kelas 7 Semester 2 Disertai dengan Kunci Jawaban yang Lengkap

c. Refrigerator is important for every family all over the world.

d. Refrigerators are very popular household gadgets.

e. Refrigerator can be bought in electronic store.

Jawaban : b

Pembahasan : Jawabannya terdapat pada paragraf ke dua.


Editor: Muhammad Khusaini


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