Soal UKK PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Materi: Descriptive Text, Beserta Kunci Jawaban Terbaru 2022

- 17 Mei 2022, 16:24 WIB
Ilustrasi Soal UKK PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Materi: Descriptive Text, Beserta Kunci Jawaban Terbaru 2022.
Ilustrasi Soal UKK PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Materi: Descriptive Text, Beserta Kunci Jawaban Terbaru 2022. /Pexels/andrea piacquadio

RINGTIMES BALI – Artikel ini memaparkan contoh soal UKK PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris Materi: Descriptive Text kelas 7 SMP MTs terbaru 2022, disertai kunci jawaban dan pembahasan lengkap.

Adik-adik dapat menyimak contoh soal UKK PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris Materi: Descriptive Text kelas 7 SMP MTsI dalam artikel ini, untuk berlatih mengerjakan soal dan belajar secara mandiri.

Beberapa contoh soal UKK PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris Materi: Descriptive Text kelas 7 SMP MTs berikut ini telah disesuaikan dengan kisi-kisi terbaru 2022.

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal UKK PAT IPA Kelas 7 SMP MTs Semester 2 Kurikulum 2013 dan Kunci Jawaban Terbaru 2022

Melansir dari kanal YouTube Suryani Rusdiyanto  pada Selasa, 17 Mei 2022, kunci jawaban dan pembahasan soal UKK PAT PAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs dalam artikel ini, dipandu oleh Fatma Aljawhara, S.Pd Alumni Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.

Berikut contoh soal, kunci jawaban, dan pembahasan selengkapnya :

This text for the question number 1!

My School

I'm proud of my school. Our teachers are smart. We have many good books and magazines in our school library. The classrooms are big, clean, and tidy.

The schoolyard is very large. There are many plants, so it is very shady in the afternoon. We spend our time at the terrace when we are not in the classrooms. So, the terrace is very crowded during the break.

1. Why does the writer write the text?

A. to describe about my school
B. to describe about the writer's school
C. to describe about the writer's schoolyard
D. to describe about the writer's classroom

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan : Tujuan penulis menulis teks tersebut yakni untuk mendeskripsikan tentang sekolahnya (sekolah penulis).

"To describe about the writer's school", artinya: untuk mendeskripsikan tentang sekolah penulis (tempat penulis bersekolah).

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal PAT Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Semester 2 Terbaru 2022 Part 2

This text for the questions number 2 - 5!

My Father  

My father's name is Mr. Handoko. He is 45 years old. He is tall and well-built. He has short straight hair and fair skin.

My father is a good man. He loves his family. He does not get angry easily. He talks to us, his children, about many things. He and my mum often go out together to enjoy the evening.

My father is friendly, too. He knows almost everybody in the neighbourhood. He always goes to the neighbourhood meetings. He is never absent from the Cleaning Day. He is a good volleyball player. He plays volleyball with our neighbours in the community centre every Saturday.

2. What is the purpose of the text?

A. to describe about my father
B. to describe about the writer's father
C. to describe about the writer's brother
D. to describe about my parents

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan : Tujuan teks di atas adalah untuk mendeskripsikan ayahnya penulis. "To describe about the writer's father", artinya: untuk mendeskripsikan ayahnya penulis.

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal PAT Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 10 Semester 2 Terbaru 2022

3. "He does not get angry easily." (part 2). It means that Mr. Handoko is a... man.

A. bad-tempered
B. generous
C. patient
D. arrogant

Jawaban : C

Pembahasan : "He does not get angry easily", artinya: Dia (laki-laki) tidak mudah marah.

Tidak mudah marah, menandakan bahwa "Mr. Handoko" (Pak Handoko) adalah seseorang yang sabar. "Patient" artinya sabar.

4. "He plays volleyball with our neighbours..." (part 3). The word "our" refers to...

A. the writer's
B. the writer and his family's
C. the writer's father's
D. the readers'

Jawaban : C

Pembahasan : "Our" artinya kami. "Kami" yang dimaksud adalah penulis dan keluarganya.

Baca Juga: Latihan Soal PAT Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 8 Terbaru 2022 Disertai Pembahasan Lengkap Part 2

5. The true statement about Mr. Handoko is...

A. he is thirty-five years old
B. he has dark skin
C. he loves playing volleyball
D. he never joins the cleaning day activity

Jawaban : C

Pembahasan : Dalam teks di atas diceritakan bahwa Pak Handoko meluangkan waktunya untuk bermain bola voli dengan para tetangganya. Maka jawaban yang paling tepat adalah pilihan jawaban C.

This text for the questions 6 - 7!

I'm proud of my English Teacher. She is smart and very friendly. Her English is very good and very clear. She speaks English to us, and we speak English to her too. She often reads us good stories from different parts of Indonesia. She knows many stories from other countries too.

6. What is the text about?

A. It is about the writer's English teacher
B. It is about my English teacher
C. It is about the stories from different parts of Indonesia
D. It is about the family of my English teacher

Jawaban : A

Pembahasan : Teks di atas menceritakan tentang guru Bahasa Inggris penulis.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Indonesia Kelas 3 Tema 2 Halaman 152, Teka-Teki Silang Teks Perawatan Tanaman Mangga

7. "She is smart and very friendly."

The underlined word is closest in meaning to...

A. patient
B. pretty
C. bad-tempered
D. intelligent

Jawaban : D

Pembahasan : "Smart" sinonimnya adalah "intelligent".

This text for question number 8 - 10!

My Aunt

Aunt Desi is very healthy. She is rarely sick. She is married and has two children. She is more than 40 years old, but her skin is smooth and her face always looks young and beautiful. She exercises almost every day. She works at a bank. It is almost 2 kilometres from her home. She has a motorcycle, but she prefers to go to work on foot.

8. The text tells us about the writer's...

A. sister
B. mother
C. aunt
D. daughter

Jawaban : C

Pembahasan : Teks di atas menceritakan tentang bibinya penulis. "Aunt" artinya bibi.

Baca Juga: Soal ASPD Matematika Kelas 9 Terbaru 2022 dengan Kunci Jawaban dan Pembahasan, Full Prediksi

9. The writer's aunt is very healthy and rarely gets sick because she...

A. has two children
B. works in a bank
C. has smooth skin
D. exercises almost every day

Jawaban : D

Pembahasan : Bibinya penulis selalu sehat dan jarang sakit karena dia melakukan olahraga setiap hari.

10. What does the writer's aunt do?

A. She is a doctor
B. She is bank officer
C. She is a teacher
D. She is a tailor

Jawaban : B

Pembahasan : Apa pekerjaan bibinya penulis? Dalam teks diceritakan bahwa bibinya penulis bekerja di bank. "She works at a bank".

Maka profesi dari bibinya penulis adalah "bank officer" atau pegawai bank.

Disclaimer : Pemaparan contoh soal dalam artikel ini dimaksudkan sebagai bahan referensi belajar bagi adik-adik kelas 7 SMP MTs.

Artikel ini tidak menjamin adanya kesamaan soal dalam UKK PAT PAS, serta kunci jawaban dan pembahasan soal yang disajikan tidak mutlak atau 100 persen benar.***

Editor: Annisa Fadilla


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