Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 Chapter 10 Halaman 152, Menentukan Kata Kerja dari Paragraf

- 29 April 2022, 20:39 WIB
Ilustrasi soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8, Chapter 10 halaman 152 lengkap dan terbaru 2022.
Ilustrasi soal dan kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8, Chapter 10 halaman 152 lengkap dan terbaru 2022. /pexels.com/

Day 2

When I cried, they calmed me down. When I was afraid of something, they comforted me. My dad often carried me around in the morning sun. When I got older, they spoonfed me. I played with my brother. I was naughty, but he never got angry with me. He was very patient with me.

Day 3

I started my kindergarten when I was five years old. I did my kindergarten for two years, one year in Kindy A and one year in Kindy B. My kindy was near my home. I walked to my kindy with my mum or my brother. Sometimes I went with my dad on his motorcycle.

Day 4

In the classroom, my teacher read us stories. We sang happy songs, we coloured pictures, and we played with dough and colorful paper. In the playground, we played sliding, we ran around, and we also played hide-and-seek.

Baca Juga: Warmer: Listing Words Related to the Picture, Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 194

Terjemahan halaman 152 :

Hari 1

Saat aku masih bayi, saat aku belum bisa melakukan apapun, orang tua dan saudara laki-lakiku yang merawat aku. Kakak laki-lakiku lebih tua 5 tahun dibandingkan aku. Saat itu aku tidak tidur dengan ibuku. Aku tidur di tempat tidur bayi di kamar orang tuaku. Sedangkan saudaraku tidur di kamarnya sendiri. Ibuku menyusui aku selama dua tahun.


Editor: Shofia Faridatuz Zahra


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