Reading Comprehension, Strong Wind, Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 183

- 29 April 2022, 11:30 WIB
Ilustrasi pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa reading comprehension: strong wind kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 halaman 183.
Ilustrasi pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa reading comprehension: strong wind kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 halaman 183. /PEXELS/Tirachard Kumtanom

“Now do you see him?” asked Strong Wind’s sister.

“Yes,” answered the girl. “Now, I do see him. He is very wonderful.”

 “What is his bow made of?” asked Strong Wind’s sister.

“The rainbow,” answered the girl.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban PKN Kelas 8 Halaman 147 Uji Kompetensi 6 Komitmen NKRI dan Kebangsaan Pemuda

“And what is the bowstring made of?” asked Strong Wind’s sister.

“Of Stars,” answered the girl.

Then Strong Wind’s sister knew that the girl could really see him. He had let her see him because she had told the truth. “You really have seen him,” said Strong Wind’s sister.

Then the sister washed the girl, and all the burns went away. Her hair grew long and black again. The sister dressed the girl in fine clothes. Strong Wind came and the girl became his wife.

The girl’s two older sisters were very angry, but Strong Wind turned them into aspen trees. Ever since that day, the leaves of the aspen tree always tremble with fear wherever he comes near, because they know he remembers their lying and meanness.


Editor: Muhammad Khusaini


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