Task 3: Correcting the Story about Kanchil, Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 167

- 28 April 2022, 16:21 WIB
Ilustrasi pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa Task 3: correcting the story about Kanchil, kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 halaman 167.
Ilustrasi pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa Task 3: correcting the story about Kanchil, kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 halaman 167. /pexels.com/lumn

For many weeks no rain had fallen, so the little creeks where the small animals use to drink had dried up. Kanchil was walking alone in the forest.

He was very thirsty. He had walked a long way, looking for a brook where he could quench his thirt.


Kanchil, the small and clever mouse deer, had many enemies in the forest. Fortunately, he was quick-witted, so that every time his life was threatened, he managed to escape.

One of his greatest enemies was Crocodile, who lived in the river that bordered the forest. Many times Crocodiles had tried to capture Kanchil. Crocodile was big, but he was not very clever. Kanchil was able to trick him every time.

Baca Juga: Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 8, Chapter 11 halaman 181, Yes, We Made It

One day it was very hot. There was no wind at all to refresh the thirsty plants and trees of the forest. It was in the middle of the dry season.

For many weeks no rain had fallen, so the little creeks where the small animals used to drink had dried up. Kanchil was walking alone in the forest.

He was very thirsty. He had walked a long way, looking for a brook where he could quench his thirst.

Demikian pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa task 3: correcting the story about Kanchil, kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 halaman 167 sesuai dengan buku siswa bahasa inggris kelas 10 Kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi 2017.


Editor: Rian Ade Maulana


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