Task 2: Comprehension Question Cut Nyak Dhien, Pembahasan Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 147, 148

- 26 April 2022, 19:55 WIB
Ilustrasi pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa task 2: comprehension question Cut Nyak Dhien, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 147, 148.
Ilustrasi pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa task 2: comprehension question Cut Nyak Dhien, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 147, 148. /pixabay.com/Marisa_Sias


RINGTIMES BALI – Simak, inilah pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa task 2: comprehension question Cut Nyak Dhien, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 147, 148 sesuai dengan kurikulum 2013 edisi revisi 2017.

Halo adik-adik, mari belajar Bahasa Inggris bersama! pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa task 2: comprehension question Cut Nyak Dhien, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 147, 148 ini diharapkan bisa menjadi alternatif jawaban untuk menyelesaikan soal tersebut.

Berikut pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa task 2: comprehension question Cut Nyak Dhien, kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 147, 148 dengan panduan dari Fatma Aljawhara, S.Pd. alumni dari Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha jurusan Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris.

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Task 2:

Comprehension Questions Cut Nyak Dhien

Answer the following questions by referring to the reading text about Cut Nyak Dhien!

1.When was Cut Nyak Dhien awarded the title of Indonesian National Hero?

Answer: Cut Nyak Dhien was awarded the title of Indonesian National Hero on May 2, 1964.

2.Tell your classmates about Cut Nyak Dhien’s parents!

Answer: Cut Nyak Dhien’s father, Teuku Nanta Setia, was a member of the ruling Ulèë Balang aristocratic class in VI mukim, and her mother was also from an aristocrat family.

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3.What education did she receive when she was young?

Answer: When she was young, she was educated in religion and household matters.

4.Who was Teuku Cik Ibrahim Lamnga?

Answer: Teuku Cek Ibrahim Lamnga was Cut Nyak Dhien’s first husband.

5.When did the Aceh war start?

Answer: Aceh war started on 26 March 1873.

6.What happened in Aceh in 1874?

Answer: In 1874 the Sultan’s Palace was captured by the Dutch

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7.Why did Cut Nyak Dhien swear to destroy the Dutch?

Answer: Cut Nyak Dhien swore to destroy Dutch because her husband was killed when fighting to reclaim VI mukim.

8.What was the effect of Cut Nyak Dhien’s marriage to Teuku Umar on the Aceh armies?

Answer: Cut Nyak Dhien’s marriage to Teuku Umar boosted the morale of Aceh armies.

9.Why did Teuku Umar surrender to the Dutch in 1893?

Answer: Teuku Umar surrendered to Dutch in 1893 to save his armies, to get weapons and ammunition, and to betray the Dutch later.

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10.How was Teuku Umar killed?

Answer: Teuku Umar was killed in a surprise attack on him in Meulaboh after the Dutch sent a spy to Aceh.

11.According to the text, how should an Acehnese woman respond to the death of her family member in a war?

Answer: An Acehnese woman should respond to the death of her family member in a war by not crying and feeling sorry. She should let him go.

12.What did Cut Nyak Dhien suffer from when she was old?

Answer: Cut NyakDhien suffered from nearsightedness and arthritis as she got older.

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13.What was done by Cut Gambang after Cut Nyak Dhien was captured?

Answer: After Cut Nyak Dhien was captured, Cut Gambang escaped and continued the resistance of Chinese people to Dutch colonization.

14.When Cut Nyak Dhien was brought to Banda Aceh, was her nearsightedness getting better?

Answer: Yes, her myopia slowly healed when he was in Banda Aceh.

15.Why did the Dutch put her into exile in Sumedang?

Answer: The Dutch exiled her to Sumedang because they were afraid she would mobilize the resistance of Aceh people.

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16.Had you lived close to Cut Nyak Dhien, what would you have done to support her efforts in fighting against the Dutch colonization?

Answer: No I have not, I live in bali thus the effort against Ducth Colonization was inspired by I Gusti Ngurah Rai.

Demikian pembahasan soal kegiatan siswa task 2: comprehension question Cut Nyak Dhien, Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 147, 148 sesuai dengan buku siswa bahasa Inggris kelas 10 kurikulum 2013  edisi revisi 2017.


Pembahasan soal diatas hanya sebatas alternatif jawaban karena tidak menutup kemungkinan ada eksplorasi jawaban lainnya dari siswa.

Pembahasan soal diatas bisa saja berubah sesuai dengan keadaan dan pengertian dari guru atau pengajar murid tersebut.***

Editor: Shofia Faridatuz Zahra


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