Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Halaman 77,78,80 Chapter 6 Our Busy Road

- 22 Januari 2022, 20:16 WIB
Ilustrasi. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Halaman 77,78,80 Chapter 6 Our Busy Road
Ilustrasi. Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP MTs Halaman 77,78,80 Chapter 6 Our Busy Road /PEXELS/Pavel Danilyuk

Beni said : There are different kinds of public transportation buses, trains, ojeks, and angkots. There are some traditional transportation becaks, bentors, andongs, or delmans.

Siti said : Our roads are not safe now. There are many people who cross the roads, but there are many people who drive very fast. There is little care, so there is very much worry on our roads.

Baca Juga: 5 Weton Ini Kutukannya Jadi Kenyataan, Jangan Pernah Buat Mereka Emosi dan Sakit Hati

Udin said : In big cities, there is much smoke from the vehicles. You can say, there is much air pollution. So, there are very few stars in the sky there. There are a lot more stars in small villages.

Dayu said : In many places, there are not many trees any more, so there is too much water during the rainy season, and too little water during the dry season.

Dibawah ini jawaban dari pernyataan di atas, dimulai nomor 2 hingga selesai.

For example,

Baca Juga: Persiapkan Diri Tampung Air Bersih, Perumda Air Minum Denpasar Perbaiki Pompa Sumur Bor Hingga 24 Januari 2022

1. Edo says that our roads are very busy now.

  • There are many vehicles there.
  • There are also many pedestrians.
  • There is little dicipline on the road.
  • There are very few policemen around.

2. Lina says there are a lot of traffic jams in big cities.


Editor: Annisa Fadilla


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