Soal Pretest PPG Bahasa Inggris 2022 Kisi-kisi Kemdikbud, Tata Bahasa PART 2

23 April 2022, 18:10 WIB
ilustrasi. Dalam artikel ini disajikan Pembahasan Soal seleksi akademik atau Pretest PPG Bahasa Inggris 2022 Kisi-kisi Kemdikbud, Tata Bahasa PART 2 /unsplash/

RINGTIMES BALI - Dalam artikel ini akan dibagikan Pembahasan Latihan Soal Seleksi Akademik Pretest PPG Bahasa Inggris 2022 Kisi-kisi sesuai Kemdikbud, Tata Bahasa PART 2.

Sebelumnya, teman-teman telah mempelajari Soal Pretest PPG Bahasa Inggris yang sesuai Kisi-Kisi Kemdikbud pada bagian Part 1.

Dan pada artikel kali ini, kembali kita akan melanjutkan pembahasan Soal Pretest PPG Bahasa Inggris yang sesuai Kisi - Kisi Kemdikbud Bagian PART 2.

Baca Juga: Pretest PPG PAI 2022 Ditunda, Cek Akun SIAGA Segera Aktivasi Jadwal Mengajar Paling Lambat 25 April

Penasaran dengan soalnya, simak Pembahasan Selengkapnya yang dipandu oleh Susanti Amalia, M.Pd dilansir dari kanal YouTubenya, Sabtu 23 April :

7. Indikator : Disajikan sebuah konteks, peserta mampu menentukan bentuk conditional (fulfilled/unfilled) dengan benar.

"We were not informed of the decision".

"We did not have something to say about it".

The meaning that best expresses the two sentences above is...

A. Had we been informed of the decision, we might have had something to say about it

B. If we had informed of the decision, we would have something to say about it

C. If we had been informed of the decision, we will have something to say about it

D. If we are informed of the decision, we will have something to say about it

E. If we were informed of the decision, we would have something to say about it

answer :
"We were not informed of the decision : Kita tidak dikasih tahu keputusannya
"We did not have something to say about it : kita tidak bisa mengatakan apa-apa tentang itu
Kenyataannya dia tidak diberitahu mengenai keputusan itu.
Berarti kita cari, karena ini tentang conditional sentences harus ada if atau had

jawaban paling tepat adalah D. If we are informed of the decision, we will have something to say about it
karena disini menggunakan will

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8. Indikator : Disajikan sebuah teks percakapan transaksional, peserta mampu menentukan idiomatic expression yang tepat untuk konteks yang ada

An Idiom is a word or phrase which means something different from its literal meaning. Idioms are commong phrases or terms whose meaning is changed, but can be understood by their popular use

Soal Pretest PPG Bahasa Inggris 2022 Kisi-kisi Kemdikbud, Tata Bahasa PART 2

A : Hi dude! What's up? What are you up to?
B : Well, good. Anyway, can you give me a trick how to be a friend with Emma ?
A : Waooo, come on. You know how to do it, don't you? It's a piece of cake man
B : OK. Maybe I'll call her first and do a blind date. What do you reckon?
A. Sounds interesting. It's worth a shot.

The underlined expression can be replaced as...

A. very easy

B. so confused

C. hard to find

D. very difficult to do

Answer : Untuk idiom ini tidak ada trik khusus menjawabnya, its a piece of cake sama dengan very easy (A)

Baca Juga: Soal Pretest PPG Bahasa Inggris 2022 Kisi - kisi Kemdikbud, Tata Bahasa PART 1

Contoh Lain :

9. Doug : Alan ! Its so good to see you again ! how long has it been? twenty years!

Alan : long time no see, buddy. I'm so glad I came to the reunion. I had a feeling you would be here

Doug : I wouldn't miss it for the world. Wow, you're dressed to kill

Alan : It's not every day that we have our twentieth reunion

Doug : You've got a point there. Why don't we...? I'm sure you've got plenty of stories.

What is the best idiom to complete that conversation?

A. have a whale of a time

B. have a seat and catch up

C. have a good head for figures

D. bring home the bacon

E. booze it up

Answer : B
pembahasan :
A. have a whale of a time : to enjoy yourself, have fun
B. have a seat and catch up : to see an old friend and discuss life
C. have a good head for figures : to be good at math, accounting, money and/or business
D. bring home the bacon : to make money for the family
E. booze it up : to drink a lot of alcohol

karena disini ada got plenty of stories pengen banyak cerita, lama gak ketemu berarti idomnya have a seat and catch up

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10. Disajikan sebuah konteks, peserta mampu menentukan kalimat berbentuk pasif yang benar.

Soal Pretest PPG Bahasa Inggris 2022 Kisi-kisi Kemdikbud, Tata Bahasa PART 2 many countries of the world.

A. Is spoken

B. are spoken

C. was spoken

D. were spoken

answer : A
pembahasan : disini tensesnya, berupa present tenses lihat juga pilihannya antara simple present tense atau simple past tense disini general berarti simple present is, are atau was were maka yang paling cocok adalah A. is spoken

Baca Juga: Pembahasan Soal Pretest PPG Matematika 2022 PART 2, Kisi - Kisi Terbaru

11. The oldest house in the USA 1624

A. is built

B. are built

C. was built

D. were built

answer : C
pembahasan : Disini ada keterangan waktu ketika ada keterangan waktu pilihannya hanya ada dua simple past tense atau past perfect, disini jawabannya antara C atau D. Disini subjeknya cuma satu the oldest house berarti jawabannya C. was built

Demikian pembahasan Soal Pretest PPG Bahasa Inggris 2022 Kisi-kisi Kemdikbud, Tata Bahasa PART 2

Semoga bermanfaat dan sukses untuk teman-teman guru semuanya.


Disclaimer : 

Artikel ini hanya menyajikan konten latihan Soal dan tidak mengandung mutlak kebenaran


Editor: Muhammad Khusaini


