Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Halaman 148,149, Vocabulary Exercises: A man Who Was Arrested in Belarus on May 31

21 April 2022, 12:00 WIB
Ilustrasi Pembahasan Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 148,149, Vocabulary Exercises: A man who was arrested in Belarus on May 31. /Pexels/Pavel Danilyuk

RINGTIMES BALI – Hallo adik adik semua, kita akan bahas tentang pembahasan Bahasa Inggris  kelas 10 halaman 148 149,  Vocabulary Exercises: A man who was arrested in Belarus on May 31, lengkap terbaru 2022.

Berikut pembahasan Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 148 149, Vocabulary Exercises: A man who was arrested in Belarus on May 31, lengkap terbaru 2022.

Mengacu pada Kurikulum 2013, kemdikbud inilah pembahasan Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 halaman 148 149, Vocabulary Exercises: A man who was arrested in Belarus on May 31, lengkap terbaru 2022, selengkapnya dengan pemateri Fatma Aljawhara S.Pd., Sarjana Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris, Universitas Ganesha, 21 April 2022 :

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Complete the following sentences using the words in the box. If needed, you may change the parts of speech.


1.) A man who was arrested in Belarus on May 31 is being charged with treason, but government officials have not explained the charges.

2.) Bali is renowned for its beauty. It is called Goddes Island.

3.) The guerrilla army would avoid any confrontation with large units of enemy troops, but seek and eliminate small groups of soldiers to minimize losses.

4.) In the past, the aristocratic class ruled the society. Their words were listened, followed and applied by people.

5.) During the earthquake, the troops are busy helping people to move. They evacuate women, old people and children to the prepared shelter.

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6.) When people go to holy war, their intention is not to get wealth or worldly materials. They do it for the sake of God.

7.) The hijeckers finally surrender to the police but they have three demands to fulfill.

8.) One may not betray his/her own country. If s/he does that , s/he should get a harsh punishment.

9.) After a long investigation, he was declared that she was innocent.

10.) The man got four years’ imprisonment for assaulting a police officer. The punishment was given to make him feel a deep regret for having done such a cruel behavior.

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11.) Upon returning back from a long journey to Europe, she reclaimed her ownership of the pretty house next to the lake.

12.) He died as a martyr in the war againts Dutch colonization.

13.) “No more tears!” she said to herself after realizing that the man she loves and she expects to come back was a bandit.

14.) he can’t resist the temptation to pickpocket every time he is in the mall.

15.) As an exile, she cannot return back to her own town.

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Pembahasan soal ini hanyalah sebagai referensi belajar siswa. Kebenaran jawaban tergantung penilaian pengajar. Selamat belajar.***

Editor: Rian Ade Maulana


