Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 Halaman 109, The Qualities of The Things and Rooms

28 Maret 2022, 11:30 WIB
Ilustrasi Kunci Jawaban Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP MTs Halaman 109 The Qualities of The Things and Rooms. /Pexels/Katerina Holmes

RINGTIMES BALI – Artikel ini membahas tentang kunci jawaban Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs halaman 109 Collecting Information: The qualities of the things and rooms that we really have in our school.

Bahasan kunci jawaban soal Bahasa Inggris dalam artikel ini, dimaksudkan sebagai referensi dan bahan evaluasi belajar bagi siswa kelas 7 SMP MTs.

Selain itu, kunci jawaban soal Bahasa Inggris berikut ini, diharapkan dapat membantu proses belajar adik-adik kelas 7 SMP MTs.

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Artikel kunci jawaban ini mengacu pada Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris kelas 7 SMP MTs Kurikulum 2013 Edisi Revisi 2017, yang dilansir dari laman Buku Kemdikbud.

Sajian kunci jawaban dalam artikel ini dipandu oleh Fatma Aljawhara, S.Pd., Alumni Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris Universitas Pendidikan Ganesha.

Berikut soal dan kunci jawabannya :

Collecting Informations

We will tell the qualities of the things and rooms that we really have in our school.

Here are what we will do. We will work in groups. First, we will discuss and decide ten objects (rooms and things) we really have in our school and their qualities.

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Second, each one of us will handwrite the sentences on a piece of paper, like the example. Finally, we will read the group’s work to the class, orally.

We will use a dictionary. We will spell the words correctly. When we are writing, we will say the words loudly, clearly, and correctly. If we have any problems, we will go to our teacher for help.

Answer :

This is our school.

1. It is large, clean, and green. There are many shady places. (for example).

2. There are sixteen classrooms. The classrooms are well-organized. So, when you come to our school, you can find the class easily.

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3. My classroom is not big, but very clean and neat.

4. There are twenty tables in my classroom. The tables are well-organized.

5. There are two big blackboards in front of my class. We always clean it regularly.

6. Our school has a canteen. It is very clean and complete. So, we can buy our meals there.

7. The teacher office is spacious, tidy, and fragant. It is enjoyable for the teachers.

8. There is a library. It is very comfortable to read books.

9. The schoolyard is large and well-maintained. So, we can play and do many activities there.

10. There are six toilets behind our school. The toilets are clean and have good smell.

Disclaimer : Kunci jawaban dalam artikel ini bersifat terbuka, artinya siswa kelas 7 SMP MTs dapat mengeksplorasi atau mengembangkan jawaban.

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Terkait kebenaran jawaban, tergantung penilaian dari bapak atau ibu guru pengampu mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di kelas masing-masing.***

Editor: Rian Ade Maulana

Sumber: buku.kemdikbud.go.id


